Babouch Moroccan Restaurant

810 S Gaffey St, San Pedro, CA 90731 Order now

An Unforgettable Dining Experience


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Babouch Moroccan Restaurant Reviews on Grubhub


2 reviews
Good food. Everything nicely labeled. Thought I got the wrong dish because what was written didn't match the menu item.

About us

Dinner, Indian, Lunch
Delivery: 5:00 PM - 9:30 PM
Takeout: 5:00 PM - 9:30 PM

Exquisite authentic Moroccan cuisine served in a tent-like atmosphere, romantic sultry music, belly dancing and tarot reading. Upon entering Babouch you are magically transported to a marvelous Moroccan Palace with colorful tapestries and golden arches where you will feast on award winning cuisine. Specialties include Lamb, Cous Cous, Brochette of Beef and Seafood.